Visual Art Open, UK / VOA Prize / Call for Artists
February 28, 2019
Type: N/A
Fee: £10-15
The competition is a celebration of artists working in one of more of the following categories: drawing, painting, photography, digital art and sculpture and young artists. There are some excellent prizes and finalists will be exhibited at Chester Arts Fair. More details are online at
-Overall Winner – Cash prize of £1,000.00 to support the production of new works
-Commercial mentoring package
-Exclusive solo show decided in consultation with the winner
-Exhibition at Chester Arts Fair 2020 worth £1,000.
-Individual Categories – A cash prize of £250.00 will be awarded to the winner of each category.
The 2018 finalist where exhibited in a sensory themed exhibition at Chester Cathedral. For the 2019 finalist, we expect to conduct a similar event to gage further exposure of entries. Apply now and good luck!