Vita Paper Arts Residency – Summer 2023 / Residencies

February 17, 2023

Organization Name: Pyramid Atlantic Art Center

Organization Location: Hyattsville, MD

Type: Residencies

Fee: $15


Gregory Vita (1990-2017), was a dedicated, perseverant, and talented papermaker, paper marbler, bookmaker and printmaker. During his time at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, he wore many hats-a resident artist, a teacher, our resident skateboarder, and a friend you could run your wildest art ideas by. Due to the generosity of Greg’s family and friends, PAAC is proud to offer an artist residency opportunity in his honor.
Residency dates: May 10-August 18, 2023

Selected artists will receive:

-A three month residency in PAAC’s paper studio
-Key to studios and 24-hour access
-Two papermaking workshops (from our summer workshop line-up)
-Three (4 hour) lessons in other studios with PAAC’s artistic associates
-Storage space and flat file for tools and materials
-Use of standard shop supplies

Each applicant will be judged on the artistic merit of their work and interest and potential in paper arts. Artists who work includes papermaking, paper sculpture, paper marbling, book arts, printmaking (or a combination thereof), are encouraged to apply

Facilities: Pyramid Atlantic Art Center is the premier printmaking, papermaking and book arts workshop in the region. Please see our website for more information regarding facilities.

Selection Process:
A panel, including members of the Vita family, artists, and arts administrators, will jury each round of applications.
Deadline: February 17, 2023
Notification: March 17, 2023
Residency dates: May 10-August 18, 2023

Opportunity Website
