Well Well Projects Call for Membership! / Calls & Submissions

December 19, 2020

Organization Name: Well Well Projects

Organization Location: Portland, OR

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


OPEN CALL for artists looking for gallery representation and solo/group exhibition opportunities in Portland, OR.

Well Well Projects is currently accepting applications for 1-3 new members!

Applications will be reviewed for gallery representation and exhibition opportunities for our 2020 cycle. If selected, the artist will get one calendar month in our exhibition cycle to use for a solo exhibition or curatorial project. Member benefits also include opportunities to exhibit work in small group exhibitions at Well Well, participate in gallery exhibition exchanges with other artist cooperative galleries, be featured on Well Well’s website and have professional photo documentation of your exhibition.

Before applying, please read through our membership benefits and responsibilities outlined below. If you are not able to fully commit to the membership responsibilities, this opportunity may not be for you.

About Well Well Projects
Well Well Projects is a brand new artist-run gallery located in the Disjecta arts complex in Portland, Oregon’s Kenton neighborhood. This exhibition and project space is co-founded by four Portland-based artists who are also Carnation Contemporary co-founding members. The goal of this new gallery is to expand exhibition opportunities in Portland, OR and invigorate Disjecta and the Kenton neighborhood as a new arts hub. Well Well will offer a variety of dynamic programming such as solo and group exhibitions, creative workshops, and a bookstore/consignment shop where we will sell limited edition works from local artists. Members will have full creative license to use their month however they see fit. Well Well Projects will open its doors in January 2021.

What Members Gain From Being Part of Well Well Projects
– Each Well Well member has the gallery for an entire month on a rotating 12 month cycle. The artist has full control of how they utilize the gallery space. For example, members can have a solo show, curate a two person or group show, or design something more experimental.
– Well Well is more than a gallery–it is also a project space and a bookstore/consignment shop. Members will have opportunities to plan or participate in: workshops, collaborations, openings, calls for shows, member exhibition exchanges, parties, fundraisers, and much more.
– Well Well members have the freedom to show challenging, non-commercial work including but not limited to installations, performances, video and beyond. Get excited about these possibilities!
– Well Well members retain 100% from any sale of work from their exhibition.
– Well Well is located in a beautiful, exhibition ready gallery space in the Disjecta contemporary arts complex, which is also home to Carnation Contemporary and Open Space. Opening and closing events are scheduled to coincide with events hosted at the neighboring art spaces to maximize exhibition visibility. Disjecta events such as the Portland Biennial, Annual Auction, and the curator-in-residence exhibitions bring
– Well Well members will have their exhibitions professionally documented, and high quality images of their work will be shared on our website and social media. Members will be given their high-res edited images for personal use.

What We Are Looking For In Members
A membership with Well Well is well worth it! Here are the things you will be committing to:
– Commit to being a Well Well member for at least one cycle.
When members join, they commit to a full 12-month cycle. Membership does not automatically renew.
– Come to First Saturday openings to support the current Well Well show.
As a member you should come to exhibition openings to help support the current member(s) show. Bring friends! All members will benefit from engaging our respective communities. Members should also regularly attend member-lead workshops, group exhibitions and pop-up events.
– Contribute to our social media.
We want to show what’s happening with Well Well members! Send us quality images of your work, you working in your studio, artists you follow or think should be highlighted, or any exhibition opening or event you attend. Include a description and hashtags. We want Well Well’s social media presence to include you!
– Advertise for Well Well on your social media frequently.
Please make sure to support your fellow members and our shows by promoting via social media or other means. This will expand the network of people finding out about Well Well’s programming and will benefit all members.
– Sit the gallery for a 5-hour period.
Each member commits to keeping the gallery open during open hours Sat-Sun 12-5pm for each weekend of their exhibition. Opening and closing on time is essential. Members may trade gallery sitting weekends. Members unable to sit for scheduled days/weekends must provide a substitute.
– Be responsible with your gallery month.
Install must be complete by First Saturday at 6pm for the opening reception. If your install is completed early, you may open your exhibition that Saturday from 12-5pm. Your exhibition must remain up and open to the public for the entirety of your month. After open gallery hours on the last Sunday at 5pm when your exhibition is complete, deinstall in the allowed timeframe and return the gallery to its original state (spackle, sand, paint, sweep, and remove door vinyl).
– Pay a $90 refundable deposit, and $90 monthly membership dues.
This is how we cover rent, insurance, taxes, and additional programming.

Application Guidelines
A Single PDF that includes:
– Your Name
– Address
– Email
– Website
– Answers to the following questions:
How did you hear about this opportunity?
What are your goals as an artist? (50 words or less)*
Why do you want to be a member of Well Well and what do you hope to experience, learn or gain from being a member of an artist run gallery? (100 words or less)*

– 10 Work Samples completed in the last 3 years
Label each work with artist name, title, year, media, and size
For video or audio work, please include a still or image with a link for us to review online. If the work is longer than 5 minutes please provide a clipped version or a time stamp where we should begin watching/listening.

– CV
Suggested information: education, exhibition history, awards, press

– Label PDF LastName_FirstName_NewMember.pdf

– Email your PDF to wellwellprojects@gmail.com

Applications must be received by Saturday, December 19th, 2020 – 11:59pm (PST)

Applications will only be accepted via email. No physical application materials will be considered.

If you have any questions, please reach out by emailing us at wellwellprojects@gmail.com

Age 18+; Residing in the greater Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA metro area.
Artists of all mediums and genres are encouraged to apply

Thank you for your interest in Well Well Projects! We look forward to your application.


Opportunity Website

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