WHERE: Call for Works of Art About Location [DEADLINE EXTENDED] / Calls & Submissions
November 9, 2020
Organization Name: Manifest Gallery
Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.
The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites visual artists to submit works of art about location as it relates to the Five Themes of Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual, abstract, or experimental of any media.
WHERE indicates physical location, whether exact, generalized, or as yet undetermined. Or it indicates a circumstance or context. Where did it happen? Where is it? At, in, or to what situation, position, direction, or circumstances… This is where.
ANNUAL CASH AWARD: The annual Manifest Grand Jury Prize will result in the awarding of one significant cash prize ($2500) to a single work selected as the ‘best of the entire season’.
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