WHO: Art About Identity / Calls & Submissions

November 18, 2020

Organization Name: Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center

Organization Location: Cincinnati, OH

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $40 for up to FOUR entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.


WHO indicates a specific or generalized identity, whether individual or collective.

For this exhibit we are interested in the term when taken in context with the Five Themes of Who, What, Where, When, and Why. It may be taken as a question, or as an answer to any number of related questions in a multi-part puzzle—expressing inquiry or determination about a particular or generalized person, group, or being. This exhibit has no defined expectation for type or style of work to be considered or selected. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual, abstract, or experimental of any media.


Opportunity Website

Calls & SubmissionsCalls And SubmissionsCalls For ArtistsVisual