Wilder Roam 002 Publication / Calls and Submissions

March 10, 2024

Organization Name: Wilder Roam Publication

Organization Location: Phoenix, AZ

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: $20


It’s with much excitement that I announce the call for Wilder Roam 002!

I’d like to invite collage artists, photographers, writers, poets, painters & more to submit their work to be featured.

Theme: “To the Sea” – The theme “To the Sea” explores a variety of feelings and ideas relating to the water. It can be interpreted in many ways. An experience, dream, longing, story and more. What does the sea mean to you?

Wilder Roam is an artist collaborative publication featuring over 45 artists work from a variety of mediums available worldwide!

“When you step up to your bookshelf and run your finger along the titles, may Wilder Roam land in your hands. Whether you have your luggage and passport on your way to the airport or you just slung your book bag over your shoulder on the way to your local coffee house. Wilder Roam was created to spark and move you all while bringing visibility to the work of the talented, featured artists.”


Opportunity Website

Calls And SubmissionsLiteraryMediaMultidisciplinaryVisual