WOC@Home – Online Artist Residency OPEN CALL 2021 / Residencies

March 10, 2021

Organization Name: World of Co Artist Residency

Organization Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

Type: Residencies

Fee: Free to apply. The residency fee for a one-month program is 270 EUR, and for two months is 450 EUR.


The program gives the opportunity to dedicate creative time, to receive support and feedback from the WOC team, teachers and artists, and find the motivation to continue current projects or start a new one. The focus is on connecting artists and building new networks between them, through dialogue and experimentation.

More about the program:

Weekly group meetings throughout the residency hosted by the WOC team

Group critiques helping you to conceptualize your art projects hosted by professional artist

Workshops and seminars by art professionals to enhance your knowledge and skills

Building an effective online presence as an artist. Individual advices on your social media channels and website moderated by the WOC web and graphic designer

Internal networking meetings and discussions with WOC artists

Online promotion of your art on the social media channels of the organization – Instagram and Facebook

Participation in the online group exhibition at the end of the program in our virtual gallery

Re-connect with artists and participate in artist talks

Presentation about your art and you as an artist on World of Co website and blog

Become part of the WOC Alumni network

Usually they are around three sessions or around 6 hours of program activities per week.


Opportunity Website

All DisciplinesCalls For ArtistsResidenciesResidency