Woman Scream Open for Poetry and Visual Art 2023 / Calls & Submissions

September 16, 2023

Organization Name: Woman Scream Festival

Organization Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Type: Calls & Submissions

Fee: Free


Word and Visual Artists over eighteen and from anywhere in the world, are invited to send a proposal of visual art or poetry, to the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) cause, in its thirteenth anniversary and to raise awareness about women violence as part of its social mission.
The work submitted might become part of our next international anthology in tribute to women and their rights to a life free from violence. Submissions must meet the following requirements:


Please send one (1) poem (up to two pages) written or translated into English that has not been included in any of our earlier anthologies, with a topic related to the Woman Scream Festival. Explicit sexuality and violence must be avoided. It could be a previously published piece. Submissions should speak to the need for women to scream for their rights, raise morale and self-esteem, or embody a message of hope. * (See below for submission format).

-Visual Art:

Participating categories: Painting, illustration, digital art and/or drawing.
Submit only one (1) digital file per participating art or illustration, in high resolution. It must stand for one or more female figure and must be related to any of the Woman Scream Festival’s themes. Also, must be suitable for all audiences and social networks sharing and must not represent violence or explicit sexuality in any shape or form *. (See submission format below).

Our team will choose the cover of the book among the works received as long as we show interest in any works submitted. In this case, the selected artist will be featured in the book along with their photo and biography.

*We will be selecting based on quality, theme’s relevance to our cause and guidelines complying. We reserve the admission right to reject any work that does not stand for the purpose of this call.

-About the Anthology:

The resulting book will be edited and printed exclusively under demand. We will not handle any copies. The book will be available for purchase to participating artists and the public through Amazon.com. You won’t need to buy a copy to participate. All fund raised as result of this book, will be destined to creating more opportunities for artists to participate in our projects.

No communication will be held with participants. The list of selected submissions, as well as the book details, will be public at our webpage once the selection is made.


Opportunity Website

AnthologyDominican RepublicFree To ApplyThemed