Works of Excellence, National Exhibition / Calls & Submissions
March 27, 2023
Organization Name: The Studio Door
Organization Location: San Diego, CA
Type: Calls & Submissions
Fee: $35
WORKS OF EXCELLENCE 2023 is a national exhibition highlighting some of the best mid-career and professional visual artists in the country running from April 27 – May 27, 2023 produced by The Studio Door. This is a new take on our popular biennial event 50 To Watch, which was previously postponed due to COVID. The new exhibition is reimagined on a national scale. The exhibition seeks artists to showcase the best of their recent body of work without having to fit a specific theme or style.
Jurors: Maria Mingalone, Executive Director of Oceanside Museum of Art. (Additional jurors to be announced)
Awards: Each juror will select one artist for outstanding accommodation and that artist will receive a Juror’s Award certificate and a check for $100.
CaliforniaCalls & SubmissionsNational