Artist Trust offers professional development programs that help artists of all disciplines across Washington State professionalize their art-making practice and establish and maintain successful careers.
Our workshops provide practical instruction through lectures, presentations, and exercises covering the business skills essential to your art career. Led by established artists and arts professionals, workshops are offered statewide and include topics such as taxes and finance, legal issues, grantwriting, promotions, social media, and many more.
Office Hours
Office Hours is a free grantwriting support program for artists of all disciplines looking for advice on how to apply for funding from Artist Trust. In these one-on-one meetings, our staff explain the application process, provide feedback on grants, and answer questions about funding programs.
Each appointment is 20 minutes long, and RSVP is required via email. The appointments are participants driven, so come prepared with questions. If you have application materials you’d like us to review in advance, contact Lydia at at least three days in advance of your appointment.
Town Halls
Town Halls bring together artists, arts leaders, supporters, and stakeholders to discuss issues, policies, and resources impacting the livelihood of artists. Past Town Hall discussions include affordable housing, balancing art-making with financial sustainability, and the art of failure.