Contact Email:
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: National
State: Massachusetts
Entry Deadline: 4/14/20

Images – Minimum: 0, Maximum: 2
Audio – Minimum: 0, Maximum: 2
Video – Minimum: 0, Maximum: 2
Total Media – Minimum: 1, Maximum: 2
Entry Fee (Fee for Museum Non-Member – “On the Surface”): $25.00
Entry Fee (Fee for Museum Member – “On the Surface”): $18.00
Admin (Annual Artist Membership, Note: other membership categories are available): $35.00

Call for Artists: On the Surface
A National Juried Exhibition at the Attleboro Arts Museum in Attleboro, MA

Open to all mediums, sizes and interpretations of On the Surface.

Explore outward appearance, chipping paint, highly polished keepsakes, the curb appeal of your home, tattoos, reactions to poison ivy, lunar landscapes, iPhone wallpaper, shadows, crashing waves, the perfect family, fine textiles …
Six prizes of $100 each will be awarded.

On view June 18th–July 16th, 2020. Opening Reception: June 20th, 2-4pm.


Entry Guidelines: Each artist may submit up to two different entries. All mediums and interpretations of On the Surface from US artists will be juried. There is no size limit for 2D, however all entries (both 2D & 3D) cannot weigh over 100 lbs each. Work must not have been previously exhibited at the Attleboro Arts Museum (AAM).

Specifications: Each artist may apply with a maximum of two different submissions, and can upload one file per submission. Artists can submit 2D, 3D, installation, audio or video work. If selected, all technology for video or audio pieces must be supplied by the artist. Each file must be named with the title of the art and the artist’s last name (example: Pothole_Jones.jpg).

Entry fees:

$18 covers payment for up to two pieces for Attleboro Arts Museum members
$25 covers up to two pieces for non-members
You can join as a member when you pay for your submission(s)
All fees are non-refundable
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, April 14th at 11:59 PM, Mountain Time (MT). Entries that are emailed or hand-delivered will not be accepted.

Notification of Decision: All artists will receive notification of the juror’s decision sent to the email address that they have provided by Wednesday, May 13th at 7 PM, MT. Additionally, all accepted works will be posted on All artists are expected to check the in-box of the email that they provided and/or the Museum’s website listing for notification of the juror’s decision. Please no inquiries.

IF YOUR ARTWORK IS ACCEPTED (All artists are asked to check these dates when they apply so that, if their art is accepted, they can accommodate the schedule):

Delivery of All Accepted Work: To properly record and install all accepted pieces, all work (and detailed hanging instructions, if applicable) must be delivered between May 14th and June 6th, from 10 AM – 3 PM, EST. We’re closed Sundays & Mondays, and Saturday, May 23rd. We cannot accept your artwork before May 14th or after June 6th.

Accepted work can be either hand-delivered or shipped to the AAM. Artists that are hand-delivering their art will be asked to remove their packing materials and bring them back when they pick up their work at the conclusion of the exhibition.

Installations that require assembly by the artist must be scheduled in advance of delivery.

You can arrange to send a representative to deliver and/or pick up your artwork for you. The AAM is not responsible for making these arrangements for exhibiting artists.

Once artwork is delivered it cannot, for any reason, leave the gallery until the exhibition concludes.

Wet paint will not be accepted.

Mark all accepted artwork with the artist’s name, address, city/state/zip, phone, email, title of piece, dimensions (w x h x d), weight (no more than 100 lbs) and sale price (if applicable).

Artists are responsible for all fees associated with the shipping of their work. FedEx is the AAM’s preferred shipping vendor.

All shipped work must include:
1) $10 handling fee – per piece
2) Pre-paid return shipping label
3) Payment of shipping vendor’s pick-up fee
4) A photo of your art taped to the outside of package
5) A completed Loan Agreement & Delivery Checklist (these documents will be made available to all artists with accepted pieces)

Send or hand-deliver to:
Attleboro Arts Museum
Attn: “On the Surface”
86 Park Street
Attleboro, MA, 02703

Fees are non-refundable. Checks payable to Attleboro Arts Museum.

The packaging for artwork that has been shipped the the AAM will be stored while the exhibition is on view. The packaging that was used to ship each piece will be used to pack up that same artwork at conclusion of the show.

Presentation: All accepted work must be framed, gallery-wrapped or finished on the edges and ready to hang at delivery with a sturdy wire hanging system. Go to Framing Guidelines for details. We recommend neutral frames and white or off-white mats. Any pieces that do not match the juror’s decision, or are not the piece that was accepted, will not be installed and be returned COD.

Sales: All art sales are subject to the Attleboro Arts Museum’s commission of 30% for Museum members, 40% for non-members. Work does not need to be for sale.

Insurance: The AAM will insure all work from the date of arrival at the Museum through the stated pick-up dates. The maximum insurance amount covers up to an artist’s value of $2000, with a $500 deductible payable by the artist. The Museum is not responsible for loss or damage in shipping, or for insuring art during shipping. Art left beyond the final pick-up date of July 21st at 3 PM EST will not be insured.

In-person Pick-up of Exhibited Work: July 17th, 18th and 21st; 10 AM – 3 PM, EST. Work left beyond July 21st at 3 PM, EST will be charged $5 per day per piece, payable at late pickup. No exceptions. Artists are asked to bring back their packing materials and be prepared to package their art at the conclusion of the exhibition.

Return of Work–Shipped by the Museum:
All work will be packed and shipped by July 22nd. The packaging that was used to ship each piece will be used to pack up that same artwork at conclusion of the show.

You must enclose:

Pre-paid shipping labels for the return of your work (that also covers the shipping vendor’s pick-up fee). Fed Ex is the AAM’s preferred shipping vendor)
$10 handling fee per piece
Checks payable to Attleboro Arts Museum.

If you are within driving distance we would appreciate an in-person pick-up.

All dates, specifications & fees are non-negotiable.