Are you looking for excitement!?
A bit of culture shock to shake up your style!?
Do you dare to work collaboratively!?

MiXER residency program is a 3-week collaborative “playground” where artists from widely different art-forms and cultural backgrounds can engage, share methodologies and inspire each other. Through the task of working in pairs, they are given an opportunity to regenerate their creative dynamism; exchange, experiment and develop new ideas with no fear of failure while learning valuable insights from other art forms.

MiXER originates from the suggestion of accessing creativity from the perspective of randomness, experimentation and urges opening up new channels for communication.

The selected artists from diverse artistic disciplines are paired up to work collaboratively on a new body of work; furthermore, their task is to assemble an ARTISTS’ BOOK covering the leading aspects of their collaboration:
– The residency ends with a PUBLIC PRESENTATION of the completed project.
– The designed ARTIST’S BOOK is published as a limited edition artifact;
– all but two copies of the published book remain to the participating artists.

We are looking for cultural & disciplinary diversity thus we are encouraging applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics. Creative individuals in all fields may apply; regardless of whether visual artist, musician, writer, theorist, dancer…

Each residency at D’CLINIC starts with an art-dinner followed by a “meet the new artist” event, organised at one of our partner institutions; here artists are asked to share (have a presentation) their artistic experiences with the peer group and other interested crowd.

for additional programs, detailed info and the application form please visit our webpage

warning: collaboration can create unique products, working methodologies, and techniques, and have immediate impact on your creativity