Artist Trust Annual Artist Survey Results

Published: August 30, 2019

Categories: Artist Trust Survey | Featured | Press Releases

Artist Trust is thrilled to announce the results of their 2019 Annual Artist Survey.

The results of this annual survey allow Artist Trust to better understand the artists they serve and share information from responding artists with other artist-serving organizations. With greater knowledge about the needs of artists around the state, we can all work to provide better support and further elevate the voices of Washington State’s artists. During the summer of 2019, 1,283 artists from across Washington State participated in the survey. Artists who took the 2019 Annual Artist Survey indicated:

  • Arts funding, affordable health insurance, and affordable housing ranked highest in local/city/state/federal issues they’re concerned about.
  • 67% of respondents living in urban areas feel racial equity in the arts is important where they live, compared to only 40% in suburban and rural areas.
  • 28% of responding artists feel artists are supported where they live, with another 58% indicating that artists are only somewhat supported where they live.

Throughout the survey, open-ended questions provided space for further explanation, revealing many artists are looking for more support for their work, as well as community. This year, a number of new topics also emerged, including concerns about the climate, LGBTQ and gender equality, and access to continuing education.

The 2019 Annual Artist Survey provides information that will continue to inform Artist Trust’s programming and artist support services. Artist Trust makes their findings and this report available publicly with the hope that other artist-serving organizations, artists, and arts advocates can learn from and utilize the results. Through this research, Artist Trust continually works to gain a deeper understanding of Washington State’s artists and better meet their needs.

Special thanks to Humanities Washington and Artstra for their feedback while developing questions for this year’s survey. For additional information, questions about this report, or for access to the raw data from the survey, please contact Artist Trust Program Manager, Lydia Boss at 206-467-8734 x25 or

 View the 2019 Annual Artist Survey Results:

2019 Annual Artist Survey Results