Carly Feddersen
County: Chelan County
Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) 2023
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects (GAP)
Carly Feddersen was born and raised in Wenatchee, Washington and comes from a long line of creative people. She is an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, and of mixed European decent. Much of her work emphasizes storytelling and making connections between her Plateau heritage and contemporary culture. Feddersen received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Institute of American Indian Arts with a concentration in jewelry. She is a metalsmith and stone carver, traditional basket maker, and also creates works in glass and print.
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Featured Works
Carly Feddersen, Snake Necklace, Sterling silver, glass. 26", 2023
Carly Feddersen, Little Hunter, Sterling silver, elk ivory, ink, glass. 26", 2023
Carly Feddersen, Deer Hearts, Sterling Silver, bone, elk ivory, diamonds, glass, leather, ink. 28", 2023
Carly Feddersen, Natural Diamonds, Sterling silver, elk ivory, diamond, glass, leather, ink. 28", 2023