
Home > Grantees > Dan Webb

Dan Webb

County: King County




Fellowship Awards 2004
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Dan Webb is known for his original use of sculptural materials—from balsa wood to duct tape—and also for his ironic conceptual installations. He has won the Betty Bowen Award (2003), a Betty Bowen recognition Award (1995), an Artist Trust GAP award (2000), and a residency at the Bemis Center of Contemporary Arts. His work is in various permanent collections including that of Seattle Art Museum, and the private collections of Bill and Ruth True, Merrill Wright, and Bill & Aileen Krohn, among others. He continues to produce work for solo exhibitions.

In 2012, Webb was featured in CityArts magazine, and in 2013 was a finalist for the Neddy at Cornish Awards.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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