
Home > Grantees > Emily Counts

Emily Counts

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2019
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Emily Counts’ ceramic and mixed media sculptures begin with an interest in connectivity. By physically attaching objects, and with the incorporation of electricity and interactive elements, she explores how connections are formed within our bodies, through ideas, in nature, and by use of technology. Her pieces have a basis in abstraction and geometry but often include recurring imagery and symbolism. Her work has been exhibited nationally in institutions including the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the Torrance Art Museum in California, at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center in Oregon, and in Washington at the Bellevue Arts Museum. She received her BFA from the California College of the Arts has previously received grants from the Oregon Arts Commission, the Regional Arts & Culture Council, and The Ford Family Foundation. Counts is currently represented in Oregon by Nationale and has been a member of SOIL Gallery in Seattle since 2017.

Emily Counts received 2019 GAP Award funding for a new body of work consisting of interactive ceramic and mixed media sculptures. This funding will allow her to create experimental works that combine technology with traditional materials and techniques.

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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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