Jason Puccinelli
County: King County
Website: http://www.jasonpuccinelli.com
Grants for Artist Projects 2003
Learn About Grants for Artist Projects
Jason Puccinelli received a 2003 GAP to help defray production costs of Biorama, an interactive installation that fuses the unique characteristics of two different environments; the first being a natural history museum where the indigenous habitat of “some human culture” is exhibited in front of a painted diorama; the second environment is a photo booth akin to those found at a country fair in which you dress up and pose in old west clothing for a portrait.” By fusing these environments, Biorama will allow participants to become the specimen on display. Participants will be supplied with dressing room and attire. After dressing, they will enter the set and pose for their portrait. Among the environments to be created are: 1) Meat Packing Plant, 2) Fast Food Counter, 3) Miss America Beauty Pageant, 4) Television News Anchor Desk. Biorama is slated to show at Consolidated Works in October 2003.
Featured Works
Heroin, oil on panel, 90"x96", 2000.
Bud Johnson Immortalized, oil on panel, 14"x18", 2001.
Dr. Thomas, oil on panel, 42"x48", 2001.