
Home > Grantees > Julieta Vitullo

Julieta Vitullo

County: Kitsap County




Grants for Artist Projects 2017
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An Argentine native, Julieta came to the United States on a Fulbright. She received an MA in English and a PhD in Latin American literature from Rutgers. She taught for two decades and made the award-winning documentary The Exact Shape of the Islands. A writer in Spanish since age six, Julieta wrote her first creative piece in English, a short play, almost fortuitously last winter. Ever since, her writing is affected by the fact that the pleasure and pain of coming up with words in her second language equals that of going back to the native tongue. Her nonfiction narrative “OWL: Of War and Love (In America)”–the title piece for the book she’ll complete thanks to this GAP — was published in Into The Void. Julieta’s first full-length play, About Marilyn, will be produced on 10/30/17 at West of Lenin, as part of her work at Parley, a Playwrights’ Group.

Julieta received 2017 GAP Award funding for her book, OWL: On War and Love in America. It has just been published in issue 5 of the Dublin-based Arts and Culture magazine INTO THE VOID. I anticipate that this will increase my chances of getting more pieces published, and eventually find an agent and compile them in book form. This particular non-fiction piece deals with the aftermath of 9/11, the shock, the war climate, the propaganda, the fear, the uncertainty of language and the fact that, as this was happening, I was separating from my first husband.

Artist Trust thanks the Amazon Literary Partnership for underwriting this award through Artist Trust’s Corporate Partnership program. For information about supporting Washington State artists, visit here.

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