Linda Cooper

County: Kittitas County



Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) 2022
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Linda Cooper is a writer who lives in Ronald, Washington and teaches creative writing at Washington Outdoor School. Her writing inspiration is in her own backyard, the forests, lakes, and rivers of the upper Kittitas Valley, and the amazing children she teaches. She completed her MFA at Eastern Washington University, and her poems have been published in Verse Daily, Hayden’s Ferry Review, West Branch, Many Mountains Moving, Willow Springs, Third Coast, Tupelo Quarterly, Los Angeles Review, Permafrost, Hubbub, Elixir, Diner, Pontoon, and many more. She also won the 2015 Orlando Prize for Poetry and the 2022 Allied Arts Foundation Prize.

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Mythos by Linda Cooper

linda cooper – Pontoon Poetry

Verse Daily: Vessel

After the Ban | Reckoning

Linda Cooper Awarded Spring 2015 Orlando Poetry Prize |