
Home > Grantees > Shaun Kardinal

Shaun Kardinal

County: King County




Grants for Artist Projects 2019
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Shaun Kardinal is a conceptual artist creating form from repeating parts—one from many, many from one. His cross-disciplinary art practice manifests as altered objects, modular structures, collaborative exhibition platforms, and interactive physical-digital installations. Born and raised in suburban California, the artist moved to Seattle right out of high school. He began working in the arts a few years after, running a not-for-profit gallery in the frame shop he also managed—where he first exhibited his own photography. In his roles since, as a web developer and graphic designer, he has collaborated with dozens of artists, galleries, and arts orgs. He is the recipient of two grants from 4Culture, has served as a member of SOIL artist-run gallery, was an organizational member of Crawl Space Gallery, and co-founded Some Space Gallery. His work has exhibited from Seattle to New York to London and in between, and is currently represented in Seattle by J. Rinehart Gallery.

Shaun received 2019 funding for DIMENSIONS, a new body of embroidered paper work on display in January at J. Rinehart Gallery in Seattle. The funding will contribute to framing costs.


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Image: Peggy Piacenza, 2024 Fellowship Recipient

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