Thank You to Supporters of COVID-19 Artist Trust Relief Efforts!

Published: March 20, 2020

Categories: Donors | Featured

Artwork detail: Blake Chamberlain, 2016 GAP Recipient

Thank you to the generous individuals and community partners who chose to join Artist Trust in standing with artists during the COVID-19 crisis. Since March, our Relief Fund has provided nearly $700,000 to more than 430 artists across the State. This would not have been possible without the support of generous donors like you. 

Leadership Supporters ($10,000+)

Jody Allen
Eve and Chap Alvord
Daniel and Pam Baty
Shari and John Behnke
The Bush Family
The Dale & Leslie Chihuly Foundation
Helen Gamble
Katharyn Gerlich
Grousemont Foundation
Growing Tree Foundation
Max Gurvich
Mike and Liz Hilton
Horizons Foundation
Jon and Mary Shirley Foundation
Steven Kessel and Sibyl Frankenburg
Christopher and Alida Latham
Lillian Miller Educational Foundation
Lynda Lowe and The Gatherings Project at Patricia Rovzar Gallery
Craig McKibben
Norcliffe Foundation
Susan Payne
Mary Pigott
The Roberts Family Foundation
Cathy Sarkowsky
The Seattle Office of Arts and Culture
Jill and Rajeev Singh
The Wilke Family Foundation

Major Supporters ($1,000 to $9,999)

Mindy Bomonti
Bossak/Heilbron Charitable Foundation
Chad Caron
Lisa Castaneda
Aleah Chapin
Carl Chew and Laura-Mae Baldwin
Peter and Hope Cochran
Rose Cooper-Finger
Susan and Lonnie Edelheit
Cora Edmonds and Phil Crean
Michelle Friars and Bruce Funkhouser
Pat Haase
Phyllis Hatfield
Eva Hollis
Lisa Humes
Impinj, Inc.
Reilly Jensen and Judith Meleliat
Kirby Johnson
Carolina Johnson
Jones Soda
Greg Kucera and Larry Yocom
Anika Lehde
David Levine and Elisabeth DeRichmond
Carla and Donald Lewis
Paul Lippert
Kristin MacInnis and Tony Bell
Michael Mann
Suzanne McGill
Anna and Paul McKee
Nancy Mee and Dennis Evans
The Menon Bender Family Fund
The Nick Gomez-Hall Artists Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation
Edmund Park
K.C. and Jac Potter de Haan
Michael Raskin
Todd Rosin
Laura Seniow
Graham Smith and Karen McNeill
Derek Storm
Jill Stutzman
Joseph Sunga
Whiting Tennis
Tamiko Terada
Tamara Vileta
Susan and Kenneth Wagner
Donald and Mary Wieckowicz
Karen Williams and Joseph Heck
Sylvia Wolf and Duane Schuler
Pamela and Gerard Zytnicki

Donors ($1 to $999)

Humaira Abid and Adeel Ahmed
Peter Abrahamsen
Douglas Adams
Michael Adams
Molly Adolfson
Abigail Aguisanda
Brett Allen
Karen Allston
Renata Almeida
Karen Arbaugh
Erin Ashley
Perry and Christine Atkins
Kimberly Atkinson
Andrea Auge
Elizabeth Austen
Marc Avni
Irem Aydin
Adi Azulay
Claudia Bach
Allison Bailey
Baird Foundation
Leah Baltus
Sarah Banks
Lele and Ian Barnett
Rebecca Barnett
Rick Barot
Greg and Ronna Bell
Colin Bell
Susan Bennerstrom
Jean Bennett-Rynearson
Kim Berardi
John Berg
Misha Berson
Amy Billharz
Walter and Julie Bivins
Stephen Blattner
Connie Blumenthal
Nancy Bocek
Amy Bonney-Hoffman
Melanie Brauner
Dave Brewer
Thomas Whittemore and Michele Broderick
Alexander Brott
Paul Brown
Adam Bruckner
William Buchan
Lisa Buchanan
Mildred Bullock
Guy Merrill and Kira Burge
Justin Burgess
Liza Burke
Jessica Callahan
Nathaniel Cantor
Charles Cardinaux
Lorrie Cardoso and Lyndon Sumner
Teresa Carns
Minh Carrico
Wendy Ceccherelli
Julia Chamberlain
MalPina Chan
Dirk Park and Jaq Chartier
Lucile Chich
Rob Wood and Calandra Childers
Troy Cichos
Richard Coates
Jena and David Coffey
Andrew Cole
Christopher Cole
Robert Colleran
Alexandra Colley
Ann Colowick
Rebecca Cooke
Marissa Coughlin
Arthur Lange and Barbara Courtney
Donna Crist
Hugo Cruz-Moro
Sharon Cumberland
Adrian Cunard
Kathryn Daniels
Gloria DaPra
Ilona Davis
Kristin Day
Amelito and Christine De Jesus
Esther de Monteflores
Dottie Delaney
Michael Delisi
John Dempcy and Annette Sindel
Katie Diamond
Ruth Dickey and Tracy Wilking
Diane Douglas
Deirdre Doyle
Carmel Drage
Caitlin Duffy
Shaya Durbin
Michael Dzyban
Sandy Early
Peter Eberle
Jamie Eby
Daniel Eckman
Susan Edelman
Amy Enser
Dane Ensley
Susan Ephron and Randy Daniels
Lindsay Evans
Niki Fausset
Gerald and Sheila Fay
Audrey Fine and Stephen Katz
Kathleen Flenniken
Jack Foerster
Rachel Forst
Mijanou Fortney
Jordon Foster
Victoria Franklin
Richard Freedman
Jill Freidberg
Educational Legacy Fund
Gallery One Visual Arts Center
Liz Gamberg
Aditya Gandhi
Susan Gans
Linda Garrido
Andrea Garvue
Christine and David Gedye
Lane Gerber
Eliza Ghitis
Ian Gil
Kristin and Paul Gillespie
Daniel and Michelle Glasser
Rebecca Goldberg
Eldan Goldenberg
Valerie Gorder
Joanne Gordon Berk
Salyna Gracie
Don Gray
Linda-Jo Greenberg
Christina Greene
Elena Gregor
Diane Grover
Rhonda Guilford
James Hafferman
Michelle Hagewood
Sandy Haight
Ben Halpern Meekin
Amy Hamblin and Randy Curtis
Laura Harmon
Laura Haroldson
Harper-Karras Family Charitable Fund
James Harrington
Michael and Larae Hascall
Susan Hass
Victoria Haven and Dave Lipe
Erin Hawley
Laura Bray Hayden
Jenny Hayes
Jeffrey Hedgepeth
John Helde
Gail Heverly-Smith
Anthony Hewitt
Michael Hintze
Jennifer Hisrich
Paul Hlava Ceballos
Leslie and John Hoge
Kim Holloway
Eric Honea
Soo Hong
Douglas Honig
Alisa Horwitz
Tom Hower
Mary Hu
Xiaojie Hu
Kelly Huffman
Tessa Hulls
Kae and Phillip Hutchison
Jenny Hyde
Aileen Imperial
Jenna Isakson
Chiyo Ishikawa
Thomas Israel
Peter Jabin
Eric Jacobs
Apple Jannotta
Jarmo Jarvi
Adam Jefferson
Anne John
Lonnie Johns-Brown
Ian Johnston
Nancy Johnston
Ronald Jones
Robert Kaplan and Margaret Levi
Victoria Kaplan
Michelle Kato
Britteni Kayser
Emily Kelly
Thomas Kenney and Eliaichi Kimaro
Vanessa Kent
Jessica Keteyian
Kurt Kiefer and Mary Williamson
Daniel Kirschen
Eva Kloiber
Emily Knight
Kevin Korver
D’vorah Kost
Peggy and Brian Kreger
William Kreuter
Paul Kuniholm
Carole Landisman
Gary Larson
Larry Laurence
Andy Le
Jane Lear
Loreen Lee
Jill Leininger
Michelle LeSourd
Marjorie Levy and Larry Lancaster
Christine Lewis
Lewis-Newby Giving Fund
Craig Liebendorfer
Tiffany Lin and Michael Barakat
James and Christina Lockwood
Francesca Lohmann
Chuck Lopez
Anna Ludlow
Jane and Ronald Mabry-Smith
Pete MacDonald
Eric Macrae
Molly Magai and Joe Harrington
Ann Maki
Heather Malcolm
Laurie Maltman
Talia Toni Marcus & Ivan Neaigus
Daniel Marin
Jen Marlowe
Lauren Marshall
Matt Martel
Maxine Martell
George and Beverly Martin
Nia Martin
Nancy Martinez
Lynne Marvet
Walter Mason
Cameron Mason and Alan Wenokur
Amy McBride
Garrett McClellan
Mary-K and Douglas McCoy
Rachel McCracken
Fidelma McGinn and Randy Rossland
Brian and Katie McGuigan
Caitlin McKenna
Meegan McKiernan and Dave Gloger
Rosa Mercer
Polly Meyer and Joel Reiter
Tracy Meyer
Sarah Michael and Rob Wiseman
Rachel Millard
Deborah Miller
Rosalie Miller
Ellen Milligan
Robert Millis
Jennifer Mills
Chris Moad
Dorothy Monahan
Rebecca Morton
Casey Moser
Sophia Munic
Eduardo Munoz and Janet Varon
Abby Murray
Archana Murthy
Brittney Myers
Ralph Naess
Mariko Nagashima
Mark Nakagawa
David Natale
Brittney Nelson
Christopher Newell
Kate Newman
Barbara Noonan
Roger Nyhus
Nicholas Nyland
Karen Nyman
Maren Oates
Louis O’Callaghan
Judith Oerkvitz
Dan Ovando
Marcin Paczkowski
Ada Pang
Alejandra Parrilla
Gerald Paulukonis
Robert Pelland
Jacqueline Perryman
Kevin & Alia Peterson
Jan Peterson
Paul Philion
Madi Phillips
Diana Pien
Amy Pleasant
Janet Ploss
Carla Ponder-Reston
James and Jim Pridgeon
Wayne Pua
Aubrey Pullman
Nathan Quick
Brian Quinn
Imran Rabbani
Kathryn Rathke
Renate Raymond
Jane Reamer
Jeffrey Rechler
Sheri Reder
Ann Reid
Sophie Reingold
Justin Resnick
Susan Rich
Paula Riggert
Sherry Rind
Randy Roach
Sonja Roach
Jennifer and Christopher Roberts
Barbara Roberts
David Brown and Christina Rockrise
Jean Rohrschneider
Daniel Rosenthal
Edith Rothenberg
Sarah Sanguinet
Andrew Scharenberg
LouAnn Schiaffino Kaehler
Rob and Kisha Schlegel
Ariel Schmidtke
William Schwartz
Leopoldo Seguel
Kat Selvocki
Dr. Gautam and Ira Sengupta
Julie Shapiro and Shelly Cohen
Sharma Shields and Simeon Mills
Alison Shigaki
Erin Shigaki
Michael Shilling
Mariya Shtern
Ian Siporin
Kathryn Smith
James Snedeker
Catherine Sobel
Brice Sorrells
Michael Sousa
Allison South
Gail Steinitz
Tamara Stephas
Marc Stiles
Marianne Stupfel-Wallace
Esther Sugai
Scott Surber
Catherine Swedberg
Christian Swenson
Daniel Tam-Claiborne
David Tarshes
Paul Taub
Subhadra Terhanian
Mark Thomas
Kathleen Thompson
Laura Thorne
Town Hall Seattle
Emily Trenkner
Meggan Joy Trobaugh
Ruth True
Lincoln Uyeda
Andy & Archie Valdez-Pape
Crista Van Slyck-Matteson and Mark Matteson
Dustin VandeHoef
Annie Vasquez
Kendra Wagner
Deborah Waldal Smith
Rebecca Watson and Darwin Nordin
Lara Weasea
Ian Webb
Richard Wells
Thomas Welman
Jill West
Lynne White
Matthew Whitney
Tracey Wickersham
Steve Williams
Ruth Williams
Betty Williamson
Karl Wirsing
Mollie Wolf
Lynn Wooldridge
Linden Wright
Diana Xin
Sofiya Yakubovskaya
Ruri Yampolsky and Knut Hansen
Rowen Yau
Connie Yun
Ellen Zrimsek
Patricia and Doug Zuberbuhler

Deep appreciation to founding partners in Artist Trust’s COVID-19 Relief Efforts: All In SeattleThe Artist Trust BoardShari & John BehnkeThe Dale & Leslie Chihuly FoundationHelen GambleGlass Eye StudioLauren Goldman MarshallPhyllis HatfieldThe Jon & Mary Shirley FoundationChris & Alida LathamCarla E. LewisThe Lillian Miller FoundationAlison & Glen MillimanMary PigottThe Roberts Family FoundationCathy SarkowskyThe Seattle Office of Arts & CultureRaj & Jill SinghNicole Stellner & Peter EberhardyPaula Stokes & John Sullivan, and Subhadra Terhanian